Water Board
Below is a list of our water board members and their term limit.
Ron Jones
Chairman - 6/1/2024 - 5/31/2029
George Ash
Vice Chairman - 6/1/2021 - 5/31/2026
Rocky Bragg
6/1/2023 - 5/31/28
Don Gianni, Jr.
6/1/2020 - 5/31/2025
James Shockley
6/1/2022 - 5/31/2027
Bill Visnic
Ex-Officio Member
A. D. Mastrantoni
Utility Director
Jasen Havens
Assistant Director
Weirton Utility Boil Order Notice Procedure
Do not drink the water without boiling it first. If you live in the affected area listed above bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, bathing, and food preparation until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water. Disinfection will be verified as soon as possible and the boil water notice will be lifted through local media notification.
What Happened & What is Being Done
Following refilling of the water lines, samples will be collected and analyzed. Results of the test will be available as soon as possible and the notice will be lifted as soon as possible. Verification test results require a minimum of 48 hours before another public notification will be issued lifting this boil water notice.
For more information please contact Sam Stoneking Jr. or Jasen Havens at 304-797-8566.
General guidelines on ways to lessen the health risk are available from the US EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.
Spread the Word
Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example: people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail. An alternative notification option is the Heads UP! Community app which will send instant notifications of any water line disruptions directly to your cell phone.
$7.02 per 1,000 gals
Customer Charge
Minimum Bill (non-metered)
Minimum Bill:
$7.99 Monthly
$39.58 Monthly
5/8 inch meter
3/4 inch meter
1 inch meter
1 1/4 inch meter
1 1/2 inch meter
2 inch meter
3 inch meter
4 inch meter
6 inch meter
8 inch meter
10 inch meter